
I don't Want

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Literature Text

I don't Want

To my parents,

I don't want
To make you fight
To make you yell
To make you upset

Because of me

It hurts.

To my sister,

I don't want
To take your love and attention
To make you feel bad
To make you cry

Because of me

It hurts.

To my friends,

I don't want
To forget you
To push you away
To make you avoid me.

Because of your friendly teasing
Playful shoves
Joking games

It doesn't make things any easier

At home
In the class
After school

Though I know you try to make me smile

To my tutors,

I don't want
To need you
To need help
To be different

Because of ADD

It hurts.

I fell like I'm stupid when you use that tone
I feel like I'm helpless when you look at me like that
I feel like you wished that I were better

I wish I were normal too

It hurts

To be different
To have a disability
To know you hurt others around you

I don't want
You to feel sad for me
You to be bothered
You to be burdened by me

I don't want
To have to rely on anyone
To need to lean on a medication for support
  To need to get help from others

I don't know what I want

Just what

I don't want.

I poem I wrote about having a disability and how I feel about it. I write poems because I can't express things like this out loud. My dad wanted to be in a local play production of the Odd Couple, but he can't because he has to watch me do my homework or I wont do it. I felt like it was my fault and I couldn't tell him, so I wrote is sown on a piece of paper and gave it to him and he told me that it's not my fault and he has to watch my little sister and my mom gets home late and he has work. It made me feel better to know that it wasn't my fault. I love my dad and I love preforming in theater and I wanted him to experience it too. He's going to be in To Kill a Mockingbird in the summer instead of the Odd Couple. I want to be Link Deas or the Sheriff.
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